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Wetty letterson


Wetsuit, Wet Stretch, Stretchy wetty, Elastics for Brains,










Mutant Human

My Wetsuit just as Elastic as me what else you aspects?

–wetty discussing her superhero name with her twin sister penny

Wetty wetterson is the mega elastic 10 year-old heroine Wetlastic.


Wet is a cute funny upbeat mischievous naive carefree wisecracking fun-loving kinda tomboyish but lovable Goof-Ball of superhero being a Goofy show-off she loves to play around with elastic powers in all sorts of ways Goofy and comedic it's almost impossible for her to get serious she even loves pull pranks and tricks on people mostly bad guys and her big ego but level headed twin sister penny and dreams of being a Prop Comedian when she grows up but for now she a full time member of the K.M.S.A.


Powers and abilities

Elasticity/Malleable Anatomy/Shapeshifting-She and her wetsuit is able to infinly stretch flatten deform expand and contract her whole entire body into any shape imaginable she can take the shape and of anything and anyone.

Size Enhancement/Limb Extansion/Limb Expansion-man her powers are unlimited she can stretch and lengthen her arms legs neck and torso to great reaches and heights taller than a basketball player no a tree No a skyscraper NO a Mountain NO! THE PLANTS ALINDMET! but if she wants go big she can enlarge swell up the flesh fat and muscles of (again) Her arms legs neck and torso gigantic sizes and the things she can do with that chain power for example she enlarge her arms and hands to grab and carried big and heavy objects or throw even bigger and heavier punches and her enlarge legs and feet to make earthquakes just stomping or throw a giant size kick who knew a little girl can do BIG things.

Inflation/Vacuum-sure she can bloat up by swelling up her skin but there other ways to that if she either grab bike pump to pump up herself of simply inhale deeply to blow up like giant balloon it also use for a breath attack to blow out strong winds the breath attack is also useful for deflating back to her normal shape.

Flat Body/Gliding-she can Flatten herself like a piece paper the things she can do when she's that flat fold herself like oraigami she glided through the air like a hangglider a parachute a kite and a paper airplane and she can squeeze and through tight places.

Size Reduction-She shrink to the size of a ant and fit through tiny places.

Bouncing/Spring From/Projectile Body-it's doesn't matter if she morphs to a ball or if she curl into a spring she a ricocheting bouncer no matter what.

Impact Absorption/Bulletproof Durability-if she ever get hit by a heavy-hitting bad guy she'll absorb the Impact thanks to her soft squishy and elastic nature in fact she so durability bullets will bounce off her.

Appendage Generation-she able to grow extra body parts for example shee can morph her own skin into extra arms and legs she can even make eyes ears noses mouths and hair from her pores.

Regrowth/Replication-if her body part ever gets slice off she can just grow new ones even the slice off parts will grow bodys basically she get split into duplicates of herself the only get rid of the duplicates is to store and delete them in penny's P.R.C.(the Pixelice Reality Container).

Aquatic Adaptation-She a good swimmer lucky thing her superhero suit the stretch wetsuit is her swimsuit so she don't have to change... out of her suit i mean not her body shape.

