Heromainia Wiki

This article, Masked Man, is property of Truth™ .

Cool! Your like an hero or something!? So who wants to die first? Because I'm killing people for free today huh don't be like that I'm just going to kill you quickly with my sword.

–To anyone who tries help his victims

He is on an mission to save the world from violence but he is not an good guy he has plans to use an powerful chi magic to do so.

Masked Man

Favorite Phrase

Why are you crying I didn't kill you yet.

Favorite Movie

Any Naruto movie

Favorite Food


Least Favorite Food

Anything Sweet


19 or 21


He hates everyone


His daffy like attitude makes him seem harmless but don't be fooled he is way more sadistic then you think.


Magic-He is an master of all types of magic and he can cast any spell with out using an incantation.

Alchemy-Along with magic he uses alchemy he uses alchemy for various things like making potion and making his old weapons new-ish he can make people immortal.

Tranquil State-He can appear to be calm and nice and goofy but on the inside he is really twisted.

Martial Arts-He is an living weapon but he uses he martial arts skills with his Pressure Point Intuition to kill you quickly.

3rd Heart-He three hearts working to gether to get more blood around the body for more stamina and other things he even has Blood Pressure Manipulation.

Location Swapping-He can project an huge planet sized feild that allows him to swap an objects area with another.

Energy Perception-He can see all forms of energy he is the best tracker ever.

Enhanced Intelligence-He is an super intelligent human he is one of the only people who can even compare to an user of the evil eye.

Psionic Shield-He is immune to mind control and mind reading and imprinting.

Property Manipulation-He can control the properties of matter and supernatural object he uses this like an master.

One-man Army-It is said he killed an whole clan when critically injured almost dead and still had enough power to protect the youth of said clan from his boss.

Body Chemistry Manipulation-He can control his body's chemistry in many ways.

Electromagnetic Wave Physiology-He is composed of electromagetic waves he is intagible to normal people and has other powers.

Flash Precognition-He can see what your going to do before you do it he sees 30 secounds into the future.

Prayer Empowerment-He prays to the good of Peace who iroically killed thousands of weak humans he is yet to show all of these powers though.

Reality Restoration-He can restore changes made by reality warping.

Retrocognition-He can see anyone's past even project his own.

Emotion Manipulation-He can control all human emotions.

Enhanced Condition-He is at the penicle of superhuman physiology.

Ability Intuition-He knows about every superpower in the world he can evn shut down powers.

Necroplasmic Conversion-He can absorb energy from dead and the half-dead around him giving him extraordinary strenght.

Soul Absorption-He can absorb souls like he did the whole clan he killed and he gained Omnipotence for an short time.

Elemental Aura-His aura is made of fire and electricity he has many power he can do with this.

Inodorosity-He has no scent.

Ash Resurrection-When he dies he turns into ashes then reforms back to life.

