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This is a list of the 10 levels, as refferenced by Freyr.

The Power Levels

  1. Level 1 Power: The lowest level. This power set would be made up of small abilities that may not even be "power" or abilities that have very little applications. An example would be Buisness Intuition.
  2. Level 2 Power: The level of small sub-power. This power set would be made up of weak sub-powers that would barely even have applications. A few examples would be a single Peak Human Sensory System.
  3. Level 3 Power: This is the level where powers really start to take place. This power set would include powers that may be "specialized" but have practical applications. For example Peak Human Flexibility.
  4. Level 4 Power: This level would include a standard set of powers. This power level would contain base forms of potentially higher level powers. A few examples would be Doppelganger Shapeshifting or Fire Breathing.
  5. Level 5 Power: This is the median class of powers. This level would include powers that would be considered destructive. A few examples would be Moderate Enhance Strength or Moderate Electrical Generation.
  6. Level 6 Power: This is where powers start getting up there. This class of power would include strong abilities and effects. A few examples would be Fire Manipulation or Moderate Telekinesis.
  7. Level 7 Power: This class of power would include abilities like Fire Mimicry or a form of Astronomical Physiology.
  8. Level 8 Power: This class of power would include abilities like Electromagnetism Manipulation, Psionic Mainpulation, or 100+ Enhance Speed.
  9. Level 9 Power: This is the level where a character would start to obtain god like powers. This class of powers could include Transcendent Physiology, Absolute Existence, or Universe Alternative Dream.
  10. Level 10 Power: This class of power is the highest and contains such abilities as Omnipotence or Unity.
  11. Level ? Power: This class is for powers that are too powerful for the level ten and its effects are unknown.

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